6 Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Oct 21, 2020

Loneliness effects more than 55 million adults, that's more than double the number of those who have diabetes. 

Nearly 22% of Americans say they often or always feel lonely or socially isolated. 

This was all from a 2018 report by Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. Can you imagine what those numbers must look like now with the rules around limiting social interaction with those around us? 


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Burnout: How you know you've reached your limit

Sep 24, 2020

Burnout is more common now than ever before because we are living in an era of doing everything! We are connected to things all of the time and rarely truly take a break from the things that bog us down. IOME's trained supporter, Mackenzie, is here to share with you what the signs of burnout look like and how you know you have truly reached your limits.

Mackenzie, one of IOME's Trained Supporters...

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Self care versus self indulgence: which one are you practicing?

Aug 03, 2020

National Self Care Day is on July 24th. The reason why it's on this day (7/24) is because the benefits of intentional self care are felt 24/7. If you're practicing self care on a regular, or somewhat regular basis, you should be able to feel the difference all day, everyday.

So, this probably brings up a good question: what is self care?

Self care is the practice of taking an active role in impr...

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#IOMEMyStory: Words My Mother Never Told Me

Dec 27, 2019
WARNING: I want to offer a trigger warning. For those of you who are currently struggling with tough issues with a parent or abuse, this testimony may be triggering. In the case you decided to continue to read on, and it does elicit emotions, please connect with IOME so we can offer you support. 

You have a story. I have a story. Each one of us has a story that needs to be shared, valued and hear...

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Why you should be asking for help

Nov 03, 2019

Please hear my heart when I say this, "you can do anything, but you cannot do it everything." I don't know who came up with this, but it wasn't me- as much as I wish it was because it totally hit me right in the gut. 

Do you struggle with delegating and asking for help? Do you feel like you're failing, burning out and just spinning your wheels trying to do everything demanded of you? 

You. Are. ...

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It's time to start parenting your phone

Oct 27, 2019

So ironically enough, this week's #IOMEPromise stemmed from an idea I heard during a Podcast I was listening to last week. After taking inventory of what I was listening to, I decided to listen to a few new podcasts that were recommended to me; one of them being Behind the Scenes. This week's #IOMEPromise stems from their idea: 

Be a parent to your phone.

When I first heard that I had zero idea ...

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Cold or warm showers? You'd be surprised what health experts say.

Oct 13, 2019

There are hundreds of resources out there recommending cold showers over warm ones. Believe me, I was surprised to hear this, too. Maybe surprised isn't the right word, more shocked! Who the heck in their right mind wants to take a cold shower? I sure don't! 

I started researching and looking into the reasons as to why and much to my surprise, I'm actually excited to see how it can benefit me! I ...

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7 Steps for Emotional Management

Jul 08, 2019

I screamed at my kid today. I mean, loud, ugly screamed at her. It was awful. I am sick to my stomach right now as I write this.

She didn’t do anything outside what an average four year old does. Pushing boundaries, making a mess, bossing me around, being too aggressive with her little sister, and singing too loud. Typical day. Right?

No, this wasn’t a typical day. Perhaps from an outside perspe...

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Prenatal Emotional Awareness: What to know before your baby arrives

Jun 06, 2019

Looking back, it was such a blur, day in and day out….

After delivering both of my baby girls, I remember being on autopilot. Wake up, feed, change diapers, sooth baby, snuggle, change diapers, take millions of pictures, and do it all over again the next day. Someone once told me that the days drag on but the months fly by. A perfect explanation!

I’ll start with the postpartum experi

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Simple Steps to Improve Your Mental Health

Jun 06, 2019

You’re tired, irritable, angry, sad.

You’re feeling emotions that probably don’t feel like your own. Or maybe you know your emotions, but have no idea why you’re feeling them. Maybe you’re reacting to situations and people in ways you never have before?

I get it. I’ve been there. I have snapped at my husband and my daughter. I have been angry and depressed for reasons that were unknown.

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