Are You Getting Quality Rest?

Sep 23, 2021

What comes to mind when you think of the word “Rest”?  Refreshed, restart, new.... guilt, a waste of time?  Those are some of the words that Claudia Hammond’s research participants came up with in a study which was done across 135 different countries with 18,000 participants.  Claudia found that though many people define rest differently there were some things...

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Perfectionism is not Healthy Striving

Aug 19, 2021

Are you a perfectionist?

You know that voice in our head that tells us we must get it done or we will get written up, fired, or called out if we don’t? 

That voice is perfectionism and it makes us think that it is the whole knower, all predictor and if we do not follow it, our life will go to shambles.  I picture The Simpson's character Superintendent Gary Chalmers yelling at...

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Anxious Thoughts and the Body

Jul 22, 2021

Anxious Thoughts and the Body

How do the brain and body relate? What can you do to become more in touch with your body?

The short but simple statement “think positive” and “don’t worry so much” can only go so far when our bodies are telling us a different story.  To truly “think positive” and “not worry so much” we need to go beyond our...

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Birth Anxiety with IOME

Jun 15, 2021

Birth Anxiety

What is it? What causes it? How can we decrease it?

Right now, you may be thinking of starting a family, you may be pregnant with your first child, or be preparing to bring your 2nd/3rd/ or even 4 children into this world. No matter where you are in your journey, you may be having feelings of birth anxiety. 

At some point during pregnancy, mothers-to-be tend to experience...

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5 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health

May 25, 2021

Mastering the skill to prioritize is an invaluable asset tool for your self care. It can help you manage so many areas, eliminate or lessen the chances of burn out and help you create long-standing self care practices. 

These five ways of prioritizing your mental health were shared from licensed mental health professionals within IOME who truly know the importance of having good mental...

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Are you a morning person?

Apr 15, 2021

Ashley Nielsen, LPCC, is IOME's newest trained supporter and first fulltime employee(!!). To say we are excited to have her here is an understatement. One of the many things that makes Ashley a perfect fit for IOME is her desire to share and teach self care in all forms; for the body mind and soul. She is a perfect match for IOME's mission and we are so thrilled to share her with you all! ...

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How to accomplish truly guilt free self care!

Feb 24, 2021

Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse? Or have you ever felt bad for spending time or money on yourself? If you have, let me tell you that you are not alone. We recently gave 5 tips for starting a self care routine and if you haven’t started one already, go back and read it so you know where to start. For the rest of us who have started a self-care routine,...

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5 Tips to Starting A Self Care Routine

Jan 16, 2021

Sometimes the hardest part of doing anything is simply starting

Starting a new skincare regimen, workout program, Bible study, reading plan, eating habit or really anything- it can all be challenging. If we take time to simply learn how to just start, it can help us so much in the long run. 

Here are 5 tips to help you start a solid self care routine:

1. Determine areas of your life...

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The big reveal is here: NEW IOME community levels

Dec 10, 2020

Earlier this month IOME announced that things are changing. Well, now is the time to tell you how things are changing. 

IOME is launching three brand new membership types. There are components that are staying the same like: 

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From 10k to 100k

Dec 07, 2020


For years, I have said these six words over and over again. In my head while getting ready in the mornings, out loud to myself during my morning commute, and written over and over again in my journal. It was the affirmation I had on repeat, always. 

Before we go any further, let me back up and tell you what happened in 2018. In the spring of 2018, I...

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