An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses light to create heat. This type of sauna is sometimes called a far-infrared sauna — "far" describes where the infrared waves fall on the light spectrum. A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you. For example, you can sit in the sauna for 20 minutes at 120 degrees and sweat but your glass of ice water won't melt!
Infrared saunas increase the body’s core temperature, resulting in a much deeper, more detoxifying sweat from the cellular level of the skin where many toxins are housed.
When a person spends time in a sauna — regardless of how it is heated — the body’s response is the same: heart rate increases, blood vessels dilate, and sweating increases. When this happens, there’s an increase in blood circulation. This reaction is very similar to the way the body responds to low to moderate exercise. The length of time spent in a sauna will also determine the exact response of the body.
An infrared sauna has the potential to excrete up to six times more toxins from the deep layers of your skin. Fat, heavy metals, chemicals, and unwanted acids are excreted through sweat, creating an amazing way to detoxify your body all while burning up to 600 calories.
Weight Loss: One small study showed that people who regularly used a sauna showed fat loss throughout the study.
Cardiovascular Conditions: Saunas may be good for your heart. Some studies have shown that people who have regular sessions in saunas can lower their blood pressure. Other studies show improvements in symptoms of congestive heart failure.
Lung Health: In some studies, people who used saunas had a lower risk of pneumonia. Other people experienced an improvement in asthma symptoms.
Pain Management. Another benefit of saunas is that they may ease pain when using them regularly. Some people reported fewer symptoms associated with conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. One study also showed that saunas might help with tension headaches.‌
According to Cleveland Clinic:
Soothing Sore Muscles: The improved blood circulation brought on by an infrared sauna session can help speed up muscle recovery following physical activity, says Dr. Young. Regular use may even help athletes with performance.
Relaxation: Warming your body seems to warm your soul, too. Setting aside some sauna time may help decrease depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress. Basically, think of it as a meditation session in warmer temperatures.
Better Sleep: A bonus benefit to being more relaxed? Better sleep, which has also been linked to sauna use.
Immunity: There’s evidence that regular sauna use can help you avoid the common cold. Also reduces oxidative stress, which is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer and degenerative diseases like dementia.
(Source: WebMD)
If you would like to pay each time you use the sauna, it is a flat rate fee of $30/sauna session (30min). We will obtain and store your credit card of choice in our confidential, secure system and you will automatically be billed within 48 hours of service.
IOME offers an UNLIMITED Sauna Pass for just $60/month! If you plan to use the sauna more than 1x/month, this is definitely the way to go. You can sign up for the sauna membership HERE. This is available for MEMBERS ONLY. Not a member? No worries, join here.
Booking is convenient, simple & accessible! Just click here to get started!
- Becky Lauridsen
IOME Founder
50% Complete
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