Join us in welcoming Sydnie to the IOME Team!

Oct 24, 2022

We have a fantastic new counselor joining our team!! Please join us in welcoming Sydnie to our IOME Community! She has made an awesome addition to our growing team and is excited about supporting our members. She answered a few questions below to help us to better get to know her, check it out!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii and moved to Northern...

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Anxious Thoughts and the Body

Jul 22, 2021

Anxious Thoughts and the Body

How do the brain and body relate? What can you do to become more in touch with your body?

The short but simple statement “think positive” and “don’t worry so much” can only go so far when our bodies are telling us a different story.  To truly “think positive” and “not worry so much” we need to go beyond our...

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Birth Anxiety with IOME

Jun 15, 2021

Birth Anxiety

What is it? What causes it? How can we decrease it?

Right now, you may be thinking of starting a family, you may be pregnant with your first child, or be preparing to bring your 2nd/3rd/ or even 4 children into this world. No matter where you are in your journey, you may be having feelings of birth anxiety. 

At some point during pregnancy, mothers-to-be tend to experience...

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5 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health

May 25, 2021

Mastering the skill to prioritize is an invaluable asset tool for your self care. It can help you manage so many areas, eliminate or lessen the chances of burn out and help you create long-standing self care practices. 

These five ways of prioritizing your mental health were shared from licensed mental health professionals within IOME who truly know the importance of having good mental...

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